Sofer Stam – Scribe Workshop

The Sofer – Scribe Workshop

Connect with the story of writing holy texts in the traditional way. Meet an experienced Sofer Stam and learn how he writes Tefillin, Mezuzot, Megilot and Sefer Torah Scrolls.

Archeologists have found ancient scrolls over 2000 years old, such as Tefillin which were  found from the Bar Kochba Rebellion which are just like the Tefillin that we don today.

When you participate in the Sofer Scribe workshop you will understand how Holy scrolls have been written  for thousands of years on Leather Parchment using inks made from ancient recipes  written with bamboo or feather quill pens.

Every tiny point on every tiny letter gets special attention

In the Sofer Scribe Workshop You will learn about:

  • The rules for making Holy scrolls
  • Parchments
  • Leather Tefillin boxes
  • Symbolism within Tefillin
  • Concepts that are central to Jewish Beliefs written on these parchments, cherished by all Jews
  • How to write some Hebrew letters on parchment using traditional materials
  • Learn some fun stories from the Talmud

make an appointment for your Family on a Bar Mitzva tour or any tour group in Israel or for a special trip to your community abroad. Email or Call 0544572366, NY (212) 729-8094 or (516) 595-1713, London 020 3734 8595 


Sewing Tefillin together as part of the Sofer Stam Scribe Workshop with Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi
Sewing Tefillin together as part of the Sofer Stam Scribe Workshop with Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi


צפו: המפות המודרניות הראשונות של ירושלים

150 year old maps of Jerusalem! really interesting

יורשי אספן מפות נדהמו לגלות בין עיזבונו אוגדן של מפות נדירות ששורטטו לפני כ-150 שנה. “הבסיס להבנה וההכרה המודרנית את העיר ירושלים, אשר עד אז הייתה אפופה מסתורין”. הן נמכרו במכירה פומבית תמורת 13 אלף שקל

Source: צפו: המפות המודרניות הראשונות של ירושלים

A great lecture on Killing Amalek including ethical and philosophical issues

Amalek, Purim, Sacrifices , all in one lecture

This is a really interesting Lecture discussing Remembering and killing Amalek ,discussing many ethical considerations of this Mitzvah, Also touches on korbanot.


Print the Lecture Notes too

פרשת ויקרא-מקורות-על צלם אלוהים-עמלק-מוסר ודת דת ומוסר-איבוד האדם עם איבוד אלוהים.pdf