Author: Gindi
What does it mean to be genetically Jewish? DNA and NAZI eugenics
This article has interesting points. The whole debate skips over being Sephardic.
according to Yosef Carmel, an Orthodox rabbi and co-head of Eretz Hemdah, a Jerusalem-based institute that trains rabbinical judges for the Rabbinate, this is a misunderstanding of how the DNA testing is being used. He explained that the Rabbinate are not using a generalized Jewish ancestry test, but one that screens for a specific variant on the mitochondrial DNA – DNA that is passed down through the mother – that can be found almost exclusively in Ashkenazi Jews
Tisha Be’av – How Things Fall Apart
Tisha Be’av
Lately it has been asked how we can mourn on Tisha Be’av when Jerusalem has already been rebuilt.
Our Rabbis of Blessed memory have told us that the reason behind the destruction of the temple was factional and individual hatred. Below you will find a story which I translated from the Talmud. (Gitin 45b)
Because of Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza the city of Jerusalem was destroyed.
There was a particular man (who we will call host) who was friendly with Kamtza and was sworn enemy with Bar-Kamtza. The host made a feast. He told his servant to bring Kamtza. The servant brought Bar-Kamtza instead.
When the host got one look at his uninvited guest he went over to him and said, “You are my sworn enemy, What [the heck] are you doing here? Get out!!!”
Bar-Kamtza told him that since he is already present he wants to stay and will pay for whatever he eats. The host still insisted that he should leave. Bar-Kamtza offered to pay for half of the feast. (this was a lot of money as hundreds of people were present) The host still insisted that he should leave.
Bar-Kamtza then offered to pay for the entire feast. The host then physically threw him out. (I am sure that the whole room was quiet and that all present knew exactly what was happening. Thousands of people become quiet when there is fight going on)
Bar-Kamtza said to himself, “Since the rabbis were present and they said nothing I see that they agreed. I will go and inform the authorities. He went to Rome to see the Caesar. Bar-Kamtza said to Caesar, “The Jews are rebelling.” Caesar answered back in non believing tone, “Who says?”
Bar-Kamtza told him to send a sacrifice to the temple and see If the Jews would bring it on the temple alter. Caesar sent with Bar-Kamtza a sacrifice, a third born calf (in the talmud a third born calf of a cow is most delicious) On the way to Jerusalem He sliced the calf’s lip, while others say that he scratched its eye ball. This renders a sacrifice unfit for the alter. When the gentiles bring a sacrifice to there pagan gods they would not have considered such a wound unfit for sacrifice.
When he got to the temple some wanted to bring the calf so as not to stir the anger of the Emperor. Rabbi Zechariah Ben Avkulas said that if we bring this sacrifice people will come to believe that it is permissible to sacrifice unfit animals. Those present said to Rabbi Zechariah, “So let’s just kill him.”
Rabbi Zechariah did permit this. He said that murdering the man would mislead people to believe that if a person damages a sacred animal that he should be put to death.”
Rabbi Yochanan (who lived hundreds of years after the destruction of Jerusalem) said that the humility of Rabbi Zechariah be Avkulos caused the destruction of our temple, the burning of the Holy of Holy’s and we were exiled from our country [for thousands of years.]
Word of the sacrifice got back to Nero Caesar. In order to see if the gods were with him he threw darts at his map and it landed on Jerusalem. He threw them from the North, South, East, West up and down, each time it landed on Jerusalem.
He then went over to a child and asked to tell him a verse. (this was a method to tell the future) The Child answered “I will lay my vengeance on Edom through the hands of the my nation Israel…” (Ez. 25,14) Nero said to himself, “G-d wants to destroy his people and wants to wipe his hands clean on me.” He went and converted to Judaism and one of his prodigy was Rabbi Meir.
Word then made its way to Aspasyonos Caesar who laid siege on Jerusalem for three years.
In Jerusalem there were three very wealthy men. They were Ben Nakdimon Ben Gurion, Ben Kalba Sabuah, Ben Tziztzit Hakeset. Nakdimon was called that because the son spotted for him. Kalbah Sabuah was called that because whoever visited him hungry like a dog would leave satisfied. Ben Tzitzit was called that… because he was so powerful that the strings from his Tziztit were over the faces of the important people of Rome.
One of these said that he will donate enough wheat and barley to sustain the city. Another said that he would donate enough wine, salt and oil to support the city. The third said that he would donate enough firewood to cook all the food. The rabbis praised the man who donated the wood.
Rav Chisda said that the one measure of food need 60 of wood to get cooked.
They had enough food to sit through a 21 year siege.
There were ruffian zealots who went to the rabbis and said that they should make peace with the Romans. The rabbis answered that it is not a good idea. The ruffians then asked, “so lets fight!” The rabbis said that they would not win.
They went and burned all of the food. (hoping to rile the people up to fight) This caused starvation….
When we examine the structure of this story we see that all of the Jewish players in the story were very short cited. For a momentary bit of sweet revenge they collectively led to the destruction of Jerusalem.
- The Host just wanted to enjoy his meal. He was sickened by the sight of his sworn enemy whom he hated for no reason.
- Bar-Kamtza was only thinking about sweet revenge against the rabbis who did not protect him from humiliation.
- Rabbi Zechariah Ben Avkulas faked worrying about the “long term” by saying that people will learn the wrong Halacha. His decision led to the termination of sacrifices, so nobody had the opportunity to make such mistakes.
- The only people who had good intentions were the three wealthy people.
- The rabble rousers wanted the Jews to fight instead of sitting comfortably through the siege.
This is the reason why we fast on Tisha Be’av. Those who would celebrate will have opportunity when we cease hating each other. It is said in the books of the Prophets “The …[fast days] will be turned from misery to happiness.
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Mezuzot: A Sharp Mind and Sharp Home
Inside Mezuzot and Tefillin – Teaching Your Kids To Be Sharp
I had a thought recently about the Shema Yisrael prayer, that is scribed inside of Mezuzot. It teaches us to believe in the Unity of the on G-d. It also teaches us to teach our children to have sharp minds. The basic concept that their is one G-d is not so complicated, but, man, when you get into cosmological discussion about G-d, the universe and everything, it’s really hard to grasp. Understanding the nature of G-d requires tons of intelligence and you still wont understand. So the mitzvah of believing in G-d requires both an irrational leap of faith as well as great intelligence (Hovot Halevavot)
After the Tisha Be’av fast, many move into new homes. Your new home, even a rental, needs to have beautiful Mezuza srolls. I am sure that you would love to order Mezuzot from, a professional Sofer living in Jerusalem, with 30 years of experience. It’s much better than buying sloppy Mezuzot from a store that has no idea who wrote the mezuza. I would never, ever say that such Mezuzot are unkosher.
Give me a ring for Mezuzot (or Tefillin, Megilot, Sefer Torah) Orders have been coming in incredibly slowly, so times are difficult. Email or call NY 212-729-8094 or 516-595-1713 Israel 0544572366 . You can view the catalog and order online A house of Mezuzot also makes a great wedding present.
Teaching Your Kids To Be Sharp
The Shemah Yisrael prayer we place inside Mezuzot hung on our doorframes and repeat it several times a day. This prayer contains the words “Veshinantam Lebanecha – Teach them to your children”
Watch me Sharpen a Bamboo Kulmus Pen
These two Hebrew words are very powerful. Tons of discussion can be based on them. The literal and accepted translation of the word “Veshinantam” is to teach. However, the word also contains the best method of teaching them. Its root “Shenen” mean to sharpen. The Halachic Midrash Sifrey (34) points this out, it sites the Pasuk (Tehilim 45-6) Your Arrows are sharpened – “Hitzecha Shenunim”.
The Sifrey says that you should know the Torah so that it will be sharp in your mouth. If anyone asks you a question you shouldn’t stammer when answering instead you should answer right away. (See Rashi)
Rashbam builds on this concept by stating “Veshinantam” is a usage of the root “to sharpen”, you should know how to explain them clearly as “They sharpened their tongue like a sword” אֲשֶׁר שָׁנְנוּ כַחֶרֶב לְשׁוֹנָם (Tehilim 64 – 4) Interestingly enough the sharpened tongue in that chapter of Tehilim does not refer to those who sharpen themselves with Torah but to the evil enemy politicians who were ministers that entrapped and destroyed people with their evil tongues. We can see that one can use the human mind’s sharpness to clearly understand many concepts starting with Torah knowledge through knowing all about sports or politics to memorizing evil methods like torture, murder, theft and rape.
The Tefillin contains four separate perashiot paragraphs all of which discuss the Mitzvah of Tefillin to tie them to your arm and put them on the head. However, we only repeat two of these constantly, Shema Yisrael and Vehaya Im Shamoa. This is because it states “Veshinantam” only here. That is to say that one needs to know these two Perashiot better. (Sifrey)
The Midrash Tanchuma embellishes this concept of learning the Torah through sharpening. It states that one only studies Oral Torah by very hard work. One who is lazy cannot understand the Oral Torah. The written Torah speaks generally while Oral tradition discusses many details; the written Torah is a fairly small book while the Oral Torah is infinite.
The Midrash Tanchuma itself compiles two separate Midrashic Commentaries about how the Jewish people accepted the Torah. One states that Beney Yisrael accepted the Torah by stating “Naaseh Venishma – We will do and listen” That is to say that Beney Yisrael said we will follow the Torah and understand it after we follow the commandments. However, they say that G-d actually lifted up mount Sinai and held it above the Jewish people. He said, “If you accept the Torah, great. If you don’t want it then you will all be buried there.” Midrash Tanchuma says that Jews said, “we will follow then listen” refers only to the Written Torah. The incident about the mountain being held above them refers to Oral Torah as it is said, “They stood at the bottom of the mountain.”(Warsaw Tanchuma Noach 3 – Shu”t)
The Gemara does a play with the words. It is asked what does the phrase “Veshinantam Lebanecha” mean? They answer that the text needs to be read with a slight difference, read it “veshilashtem” study the Torah in thirds. You should divide your Torah study in the following way one third should be studying Written Torah, Mishna and Gemara.
Ramban cites the pasuk “It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever” (Shemot 31-17) He says that this informs us that every generation will need to follow the Torah. It is therefore important to teach the Torah. The coming generations need to follow the Torah. How can they possibly follow Mitzvot if we don’t teach them?
The philosophical work of Sefer Haikarim says that the Shemah Yisrael paragraph says that we need to love G-d. The rest of the paragraph is an elaboration of how one should love G-d whether in thought speech or action. He states that “Veshinantam” refers to speech. Wearing them as Tefillin and putting Mezuzot on a door are an action of love of G-d. (Ikraim 3-35)
The Sifrey further states that “Lebanecha – to your children” really refers to your students. A similar example refers to “The Children of the Prophets” (kings 2 – 2 – 3) which really refers to the students.
I am sure that you would love to order Mezuzot from, a professional Sofer living in Jerusalem, with 30 years of experience. It’s much better than buying sloppy Mezuzot from a store that has no idea who wrote the mezuza. I would never, ever say that such Mezuzot are unkosher.
Give me a ring for Mezuzot (or Tefillin, Megilot, Sefer Torah) Orders have been coming in incredibly slowly, so times are difficult. Email or call NY 212-729-8094 or 516-595-1713 Israel 0544572366 . You can view the catalog and order online A house of Mezuzot also makes a great wedding present.