Many halachic issues have arisen over the ages as to whether certain items may be used to fulfill this Mitzvah. Trumat Hadeshen (vol 1 – 111) stated that one does not fulfill the mitzvah by sending clothing or sheets. Yalkut Yosef states that one does not fulfill the mitzvah by sending an interesting torah discussion . However, I do suggest that you include this Torah discussion with your mishloach manot. (Halacha 5) Yalkut Yosef additionally states that an “Important” person who is kind enough to receive mishloach manot from a simple person has not fulfilled the mitzvah of mishloach manot even though he has given tremendous enjoyment to the simple person. This is only enjoyment without food. (Halacha 18)

Our rabbis have stated that we must study the laws of Passover thirty days before the holiday. (Shulchan Aruch 429 – 1) Many have asked how we can fulfill this Mitzvah? thirty days before Passover is Purim. We are already busy with other Mitzvot and torah discussions. It seems that many Jews think about Passover on Purim when they realize that they have only a month to finish all of the food delivered in Mishloach Manot. Therefore it seems that it is a very popular Halacha to discuss the laws of getting rid of Chametz thirty days before Passover.