Very interesting lectures about R Abraham Ibn Ezra – Science, Astrology, Renaissance.
מרכז דהאן – כנס יהודי בבל: זהות ומורשת – פרופ’ ירון הראל – YouTube
Rabienu Yosef Chayim was the honorary President of Alliance! All of our relatives went there and leaned Torah with Derech Eretz. listen to this lecture from Proffesor Yaron Harel!
We need to contrast Shas Revisionism which lies to you in saying that all of the old Hachamim were against secular studies!!!!
Writing a small Mezuzah on Klaf Meubad
Watch the Sofer Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi write the First line or so of a mezuzah on special parchment treated with Oak Gall, writing with an Authentic bamboo kulmus pen that I made.
Watch the Sofer Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi write the end of the first paragraph and beginning of the second of a mezuzah on special parchment treated with Oak Gall, writing with an Authentic bamboo kulmus pen that I made.
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