The Tefillin Experience

To Order Tefillin  Call 0544572366 or 029991554 or email

I offer a wonderful program for those who purchase Tefillin. This is great for Bar Mitzvah boys. It is grandparent approved too. You actually assist in producing the Tefillin. It is called the Tefillin Experience. It consists of up to three meetings.

The three meetings are  hands on. The first meeting involves the boy making crowns on the letters of his  Shema Yisrael parchment,  In  The second meeting we together place the Perashiot in the Batim and sew them. The third meeting is for the whole family, We learn some Halachot, some stories and everyone learns how to write a few letters on parchment

The Tefillin have many Hidurim and are reasonably priced. I personally write the Perashiot. The Gassot have Chut Hatefira, Shin Meshucha, Hand made straps and many more Hidurim. All Perashiot are computer checked and checked by a rav.


I have over 25 years of experience.

Gassot Tefillin – 2600 Shekels

Peshutim Mehudarim 1400 Shekels

Those living far away from Jerusalem can benefit from the new Live  Program via internet Video Chat: Tefillin: The Spirit of Bar Mitzvah

You can see samples at

Call 0544572366 or 029991554



Inside Tefillin – Introduction to Tefillin

There are four perashiot (paragraphs written on leather parchments) inside Tefillin boxes. The same four appear both in the Tefillin that are placed on the head and the one on the arm. These perashiot speak about central concepts in Judaism.

The first perasha of “Kadesh li” discusses the freedom from slavery in Egypt. Two of the four sons from the Passover Seder are found in these paragraphs. The second perasha of “Vehaya Ki Yevi’acha” speaks about the plague of the first born of Egypt. The death of the first born of Egypt, in addition to redeeming of out first-born sons and animals, actuate a rejection of the strengths of idolatry and magical powers. The first born of the Egyptian as well as those of other nations were priests. The sanctity of the first born within Judaism is actually a rejection of idolatrous beliefs.

The final two paragraphs that are written in the tefillin are the most famous in Judaism. They are the first two paragraphs of “Shema Yisrael”. The portion of “Shema Yisrael” speaks about the Unity of the Blessed Creator and loving him. The final perasha is “Vehaya im Shmo’a”. It discusses Devine Providence and heavenly reward and punishment.

There is a distinct relationship between these four perashiot. They all mention the importance of study and internalization of these subjects. Additionally, educating children in these particular subjects is mandatory. One needs to constantly teach them to his children and even more so during the Passover Seder.

Inside Tefillin – Introduction to Tefillin

See also:


There are four perashiot (paragraphs written on leather parchments) inside Tefillin boxes. The same four appear both in the Tefillin that are placed on the head and the one on the arm. These perashiot speak about central concepts in Judaism.

The first perasha of “Kadesh li” discusses the freedom from slavery in Egypt. Two of the four sons from the Passover Seder are found in these paragraphs.

The second perasha of “Vehaya Ki Yevi’acha” speaks about the plague of the first born of Egypt. The death of the first born of Egypt, in addition to redeeming of out first-born sons and animals, actuate a rejection of the strengths of idolatry and magical powers. The first born of the Egyptian as well as those of other nations were priests. The sanctity of the first born within Judaism is actually a rejection of idolatrous beliefs.

The final two paragraphs that are written in the tefillin are the most famous in Judaism. They are the first two paragraphs of “Shema Yisrael”.

The portion of “Shema Yisrael” speaks about the Unity of the Blessed Creator and loving him. The final perasha is “Vehaya im Shmo’a”. It discusses Devine Providence and heavenly reward and punishment.

There is a distinct relationship between these four perashiot. They all mention the importance of study and internalization of these subjects. Additionally, educating children in these particular subjects is mandatory. One needs to constantly teach them to his children and even more so during the Passover Seder.

A source cited in the Talmud states “A child … who can take care of tefillin, his father acquires tefillin for him.” (Tosefta Chagiga 1, Succah 42a) Parents acquire tefillin when a child becomes old enough that he can care for himself and his tefillin.

One can give this whole discussion a symbolic explanation. These concepts that we have been discussing parents teach to their children from a very young age. Parents invest a lot of effort over the course of many years to teach these concepts to their children. The father ties these central concepts that are in the tefillin onto the child’s body when he is old enough to care for himself and his things. Through this the child internalizes these subjects until they actually become part of him.

Every Bar Mitzvah boy knows the importance of the Unity of the Creator, Divine Providence, reward and punishment, the exodus from Egypt and the rejection of Avoda Zara.


Inside Tefilin – Introduction to Tefilin

Inside Tefillin – Introduction to Tefillin

There are four perashiot (paragraphs written on leather parchments) inside Tefillin boxes. The same four appear both in the Tefillin that are placed on the head and the one on the arm. These perashiot speak about central concepts in Judaism. iii

 The first perasha of “Kadesh li” discusses the freedom from slavery in Egypt. Two of the four sons from the Passover Seder are found in these paragraphs. The second perasha of “Vehaya Ki Yevi’acha” speaks about the plague of the first born of Egypt. The death of the first born of Egypt, in addition to redeeming of out first-born sons and animals, actuate a rejection of the strengths of idolatry and magical powers. The first born of the Egyptian as well as those of other nations were priests. The sanctity of the first born within Judaism is actually a rejection of idolatrous beliefs.

The final two paragraphs that are written in the tefillin are the most famous in Judaism. They are the first two paragraphs of “Shema Yisrael”. The portion of “Shema Yisrael” speaks about the Unity of the Blessed Creator and loving him. The final perasha is “Vehaya im Shmo’a”. It discusses Devine Providence and heavenly reward and punishment.

There is a distinct relationship between these four perashiot. They all mention the importance of study and internalization of these subjects. Additionally, educating children in these particular subjects is mandatory. One needs to constantly teach them to his children and even more so during the Passover Seder.

A source cited in the Talmud states “A child … who can take care of tefillin, his father acquires tefillin for him.” (Tosefta Chagiga 1, Succah 42a) Parents acquire tefillin when a child becomes old enough that he can care for himself and his tefillin. One can give this whole discussion a symbolic explanation.

These concepts that we have been discussing parents teach to their children from a very young age. Parents invest a lot of effort over the course of many years to teach these concepts to their children. The father ties these central concepts that are in the tefillin onto the child’s body when he is old enough to care for himself and his things. Through this the child internalizes these subjects until they actually become part of him.

Every Bar Mitzvah boy knows the importance of the Unity of the Creator, Divine Providence, reward and punishment, the exodus from Egypt and the rejection of Avoda Zara.

Sefer Torah, Tefilin, Mezuzot, Megilot, Navi Scrolls


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I am a Sofer Stam for over 25 years. I write beautiful legible writing.
I recently completed an incredible Sefer Torah project in honor of a
very inspiring Rabbi, and before that in memory of Holocaust victims.

Now is the best time to order a Sefer Torah. If you are just thinking
about it but not yet decided, let me know. I will make you your shul’s
Favorite Sefer Torah with great payment options.

I also make Tefillin for Bar Mitzva’s with a program that connects your
child to the mitzvah.

Please call me in NY 516-595-1713

Israel tel.  0544572366

Samples at:

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Blessings of the best year ever!


Sofer Sta”m – Every letter on every parchment gets
individual attention tel. 054-4572-366
PO Box 291, Jerusalem, Israel
Sofer Sta”m – Certified Mohel
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi –
fax – 0737268415