“Ima shel Shabbat” and other gendered moments in Jewish preschool | Center for Jewish Feminism

The Shabbat Ima did light the candles and the Shabbat Abba did make Kiddush but it made me realise that a lot of the messages our children get in school just come from the perspective of the teachers, and are not always guided by the ethos of the schools. There was also religious content, whilst in shul the children sang Lecha Dodi; once at home they sang Yom Ze LeYisrael. There was a head scarf for the Shabbos Ima but when my daughter decided she didn’t want to wear it, the teacher didn’t attempt to persuade or encourage her.

Source: “Ima shel Shabbat” and other gendered moments in Jewish preschool | Center for Jewish Feminism

Far More than 13 Million – Judaism – Arutz Sheva

Source: Far More than 13 Million – Judaism – Arutz Sheva

“Rov Yisrael” and the Obligation of MitzvothDependent on the Land
Presently, we are obligated to fulfill the mitzvot of Shmitta (the Sabbatical year), challah (separating a section of dough from kneading and giving it to a kohen), terumot and ma’asrot (tithes) only derabanan (by rabbinic authority). When ‘rov Yisrael‘ (literally, ‘the majority of Jews’) live in the Land of Israel, as termed by our Sages “rov yoshvei’ha aley’ha” (“the majority of its inhabitants dwell in it”), we will have fulfilled the conditions for being obligated in the mitzvot of challah and tithes from the Torah. And when the Jewish nation lives in the Land of Israel as required, every tribe in its place, we will also merit observing the mitzvah of Shmitta and Yovel (the Jubilee year) from the Torah.