Perashat Tetzaveh
What is the best Torah lesson that we can teach our children? The Pasuk in Mishle says it best Deracheha Darke Noam Vekol Netivoteha Shalom – Her ways are pleasant ways and all of her paths are peace.
Following mitzvot and learning Torah add breadth to a person’s life. You get insight into human nature, how to live a peaceful life, and to come close to G-d. These are certainly great things to teach children. When they are ingrained into a person’s life he will follow the “Pleasant ways.” It is important to instill this into children instead of some of the other messages which are prevalent in America.
Our Perasha starts off by telling us:
And now you command The children of Israel to bring to you pressed olive oil perfect for light, to bring the constant light.
This Mitzvah of lighting the Menorah is placed here between the mitzvah of how to build the Mishkan and what the Kohen should wear when he works in the Mishkan. This is placed here to tell us that in reality the main function of the Kohen is to teach the “Pleasant ways of G-d” to the people.
We know this from another Pasuk in Mishle: Ki Ner Mitzvah Vetorah Or – Because a mitvzah is a candle and the Torah is light. The Torah is like light and oil. It is like light because it enlightens people. That is clear.
Why is it like olive oil? Why not like other light sources? The Midrashim (and Philo) say that Other oils do not give off a clear light. Either they flicker or are to bright. If you watch the olive oil burn in an oil candle you will see that it is more pleasant than other oils. I have seen this on Chanukah. The light is not harsh.