Perashiot and Tefillin Gassot

Tefillin Gassot – Written by Rabbi Steve Gindi

Tefillin Gassot

To order you may fill out the form and order on line or call  516-595-1713 or email

Tefillin Gassot – High Quality Tefillin with Perashiot Written by Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi

  •  Tefillin Gassot Perashiot personally written by me, Rabbi Steve (Yishayahu) Bar Yakov Gindi. Meticulously writen  Perashiot parchments.  Each letter takes about 4 seconds to form. I write them with natural Kulmus pens. For Ashkenazi tefillin I use a feather quill kulmus, for Sepharadi I use a Bamboo kulmus, both of which I form myself. The klaf parchments comes from Shlil Fetus or Goat skin. Shlil is the skin taken from a fetus removed from a cows belly after slaughtering.
  • The Batim Boxes of Gassot have Chut Hatefira, Shin Meshucha, Beautiful, strong straps and many more Hidurim.
  • All Perashiot are computer checked and checked by a rav. I purchase these from the finest sources

Whoever purchases this for themselves or for Bar Mitzvah will receive an added

educational element on tefillin:

Tefillin: The Spirit of Bar Mitzvah – Connect Your Son with the Mitzva of Tefillin

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Tiny Gassot Tefillin תפילין פצפונים

Tiny Tefillin For Traveling People – תפילין פצפונים

Tiny Tefillin For Traveling Businessmen and Yeshiva Students – תפילין פצפונים

Tiny Gassot Tefillin  – High Quality Tefillin with Perashiot Written by Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi

  •  Tiny   Perashiot personally written by me, Rabbi Steve (Yishayahu) Bar Yakov Gindi. Meticulously written  Perashiot parchments.  Each letter takes about 5 seconds to form. I write them with natural Kulmus pens. For Ashkenazi tefillin I use a feather quill kulmus, for Sepharadi I use a Bamboo kulmus, both of which I form myself. The klaf parchments come from Shlil Fetus or Goat skin. Shlil is the skin taken from a fetus removed from a cows belly after slaughtering.
Parchments of Tiny Tefillin
Parchments of Tiny Tefillin
  • For Businessmen who travel a lot the Tiny Tefillin  come packed in a cloth glasses case. The plastic covers are also supplied for those who want to store them in a traditional Tefillin Bag.
Comparison Between Regular Gassot and Tiny Tefillin
Comparison Between Regular Gassot and Tiny Tefillin

These Tefillin are also ideal for Yeshiva students who like to wear Tefillin while they study.

  • The Batim Boxes of Tiny Gassot Tefillin have Chut Hatefira, Shin Meshucha, Thin straps and many more Hidurim.
  • All Perashiot are computer checked and checked by a rav. I purchase  The Tiny Gassot  Batim Boxes  from the finest sources who take pride in supplying Mehudar Tefillin.

Whoever purchases this for themselves or for Bar Mitzvah will receive an added

Educational Element with tefillin:

Tefillin: The Spirit of Bar Mitzvah – Connect Your Son with the Mitzva of Tefillin

or for People Local to Jerusalem:

The Tefillin Experience


Super Charge Your Tefillin: The Secret’s in the Wrap


By: Steven Schram Ph.D., D.C., L.Ac

Excerpt from:

It is the Torah that commands us to perform the Mitzvah of donning Tefillin. And for over 3300 years since receiving the Torah at Sinai, Jewish males age 13 and older have been diligently laying Tefillin virtually every day of their lives. While it is not known why we were commanded to do this ritual, a recently published article in the Journal of Chinese Medicine provides evidence that donning T’fillin activates a powerful acupuncture point formula with significant mental and spiritual benefits. This concept potentially opens a window into one of the secrets behind this mysterious Mitzvah……

Read More from the original:

Tiny Rambam Tefilin

Tiny Rambam Tefillin Mehudarim

Rambam Tefillin: Tiny Tefillin Mehudarim According to Rambam

Perashiot written on Klaf Me’ubad by Rabbi Steve (Yishayahu) Bar Yakov Gindi like in the picture. All Perashiot are checked by computer and a Rav Magia.  Each letter takes about 5 seconds to form. I write them with natural Kulmus pens. For Ashkenazi tefillin I use a feather quill kulmus, for Sepharadi I use a Bamboo kulmus, both of which I form myself.  Klaf Me’ubad explained below.

Perashiot written on Klaf Me'ubad by Rabbi Steve Bar yakov Gindi
Perashiot written on Klaf Me’ubad by Rabbi Steve Bar yakov Gindi
Perashiot written on Klaf Me'ubad by Rabbi Steve Bar yakov Gindi
Perashiot written on Klaf Me’ubad by Rabbi Steve Bar yakov Gindi


Extremely beautiful Tiny Gassot Batim Boxes with Hut Hisoni 23-24 mm square, Shin Meshucha, Hand Made Straps

Tiny Gassot Tefillin For Traveling Businessmen
Tiny Gassot Tefillin For Traveling Businessmen

These Tefillin are also ideal for Yeshiva students who like to wear Tefillin while they study.

Hand made Straps

For those who travel often I can include a cloth glasses case

Klaf Meubad made according to Rambam

The method of making klaf parchment using “Afatzim” Oak Galls is the method that the Talmud (Megila 19a top of page) says that parchments need to be made for Sefer Torah’s, Tefillin, Mezuzot and Megilot. Today the standard method is to use Lime.

Ramba”m Maimonides states very clearly that klaf parchment must to be completed using “Afatzim” Oak Galls. He says

If they take the skin, after the fur has been removed and divide its thickness in half like the Leather tanners do, [dividing it] until they become tow skins. One [skin] is thin is the part closer to the fur, and one thick [skin] that is closer to the meat, They work salt into it, followed by Flour and afterwards with “Oak Gall” (Afatzim in Hebrew) and the like…. (Rambam halachot Tefilin, Mezuzah and Sefer Torah Ch 1 Halacha 7)

Today, many people have decided to follow the Rambam always, even if most Torah following Jews don’t. They feel that Klaf made with Sid – Lime is little better than paper, or just like writing on a raw, unprocessed piece of leather.

Mara”n Rabbi Yosef Karo in the Shulchan Aruch (O”H 32 – 8) states that you can use klaf parchment whether made with Lime (Sid) or “Afatzim” Oak Galls. He usually decided the halacha law according to Rambam, yet here he differs by Accepting the opinion of Rabenu Tam in the Tosafot ( Megila 19a)

Even those who believe that Klaf may be tanned with Lime accept that Afatzim – Oak Gall is Kosher.




Ashkenaz Knot for Tefilin Shel Yad Tefillin

 Ashkenaz Knot Shel Yad

Below is a link to picture directions in Hebrew for tying Ashkenaz Shel Yad knot

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How to do Ashkenaz Shel Yad