Arguing Jewish Style – Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur: Does the community say Seder Hakedusha of Rebbe Yehuda Halevy?

This common story is said about Jewish arguments.

To the One who sits in praise,
To the One who rides chariots,
Holiness and Blessing.

Every year on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish Calendar, a great argument occurs in the local knis – Synagogue . Do we say Seder Hakedusha of Rebbe Yehuda Halevy or not? The greatest row would always erupt at the moment that the Chazan would reach the Holy, Kedusha of Nakdishach. Screaming and yelling was central but even more harsh than screaming some people were ignoring each other.

Arguing Jewish Style
A good argument

One year the committee decided to put an end to the perpetual argument and tried to find out what the true custom was. They found a one hundred and four year old man in the local retiree village. He told them “Yes, that is the true custom, every year we argue like mad men.”

That is the traditional story. There are many variations on it. However, I would like to fill you in on how cruelly the congregation argued.

Itzik Mashala, the Chazan, was against saying Seder Hakedusha, when he got there he just skipped it. He believed that it is a Hefsek, interruption, to say it and it doesn’t matter whether Rabbi Yehuda Halevy wrote it or Moshe Rabienu himself. Solly screamed out in front of the whole knis. He called Itzik an irresponsible apikorus. Solly claimed that you have to say it since it adds so much holiness to the day. As with all arguments many other reasons were volunteered. Yankee Mashala was so disturbed by Itzik that he didn’t speak to him for eleven years. Itzik didn’t know this because he was never told and didn’t understand why Yankee never returned his calls. Some said the argument was stupid while others said that the Arguers were evil. So continued the custom for many years. Some parted from the congregation while others parted with G-d. While many others happily remained in the dysfunctional congregation. Certainly some people grew above the situation and acted to heal the ill relationships.

To the One who sits in praise,
To the One who rides chariots,
Holiness and Blessing.
(Seder Hakedusha of Rebbe Yehuda Halevy)

What makes Tefillin kosher?

What makes Kosher Tefillin ?

Much work goes into making a pair of  kosher Tefillin , Mezuzah, etc.






I personally write the parchment scrolls. In order for Tefillin or Mezuza to be kosher it must be written on parchment from a kosher type of animal. The ink also needs to be kosher and black as a Raven and must be a certain consistency so that it does not get too absorbed into the klaf parchment so that it can be erased with a blade.

kosher ink needs to be as black as a raven
kosher ink needs to be as black as a raven

Mezuzot and Tefillin must be written in order

Mezuzot and Tefillin must be written in order from the first letter to the last. Because of this, fixing them is often forbidden. The unkosher scrolls are buried in the Geniza.

Maimonides – Rambam style Parchment

Gall from an Oak Tree often called Oak Apple
Gall from an Oak Tree often called Oak Apple

I buy the lined parchments clean without writing as well as Tefillin Boxes,  as I do not make these . Many hours of work go into making these, They are all hand made too. The parchments need to be treated. According to  Maimonides – Rambam and the Talmud  (Shabat 75 b)  the parchment needs to be salted, treated with flower and then with Gall.

Most parchment today is not made according to Rambam,  instead it is treated with lime. Those who make the Klaf according to Rambam today make a very superior parchment that is a pleasure to write on. It costs 3 times as much for this parchment. You can order Rambam Mezuzot and Tefillin directly from me.


Tefillin Parchment written on Oak Gall treated parchment.
Tefillin Parchment written on Gall treated parchment.
Mezzuza Scroll written on Lime treated parchment
Mezzuza Scroll written on Lime treated parchment – Clear and Beautiful Handwriting of Rabbi Steve Bar Yakov Gindi

The boxes of tefillin are also made of leather and are also completely hand made. Many Halachot apply to the Boxes of Tefillin. They need to be square, The pattern of the holes for the sewing must be square. It must have a whole for the straps to pass through and much more. The Tefillin put on the head needs to have four completely separate compartments. They must be sewed closed using a thread made of sinew.

The parchments need to rolled up and placed in the correct order in the boxes. The klaf parchments need to be wrapped in another piece of blank parchment and tied closed with hairs from the tail of a kosher animal.
Many man hours of work go into preparing the parchment, ink and Boxes of these holy articles. This is why you should be suspicious if a Mezuza costs less than you would pay a professional worker for 2 hours of work and a pair of Tefillin for 25 – 30 hours of work.

I have only touched on the many Halachot  regarding Tefillin and Mezuzot. Much More has not been discussed.

I have previously discussed the meaning of the contents from the Torah wirtten on the parchments  of Mezuzot and Tefillin, you can read them at : My milknhoney website 



Shalom Rabbis and Friends


In honor of  you, my clients who have purchased from me since 1986, I am offering free shipping via EMS, international express mail to anywhere in the world.  Now is the time to order Tefillin or a  Megillat Esther.


Order on-line or Call 516-595-1713 Israel 0544572366 or respond to this email


coupon code: ship tefillin


I write the Parchments of Mezuzah scrolls, Tefillin, Megillat Esther and Sefer Torah. My writing is both beautiful and legible. It will be a privilege to make them  for you.


You can pay by credit card , paypal  or direct deposit to my bank account


Coupon good Until August 31 for orders over 2000 Shekels.


All prices are in Shekels, dollar prices are approximately according to the current rate which changes daily.
