Sefer Torah, Tefilin, Mezuzot, Megilot, Navi Scrolls


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I am a Sofer Stam for over 25 years. I write beautiful legible writing.
I recently completed an incredible Sefer Torah project in honor of a
very inspiring Rabbi, and before that in memory of Holocaust victims.

Now is the best time to order a Sefer Torah. If you are just thinking
about it but not yet decided, let me know. I will make you your shul’s
Favorite Sefer Torah with great payment options.

I also make Tefillin for Bar Mitzva’s with a program that connects your
child to the mitzvah.

Please call me in NY 516-595-1713

Israel tel.  0544572366

Samples at:

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Blessings of the best year ever!


Sofer Sta”m – Every letter on every parchment gets
individual attention tel. 054-4572-366
PO Box 291, Jerusalem, Israel
Sofer Sta”m – Certified Mohel
Steve Bar Yakov Gindi –
fax – 0737268415