Colors of Emissions and Stains
Since only blood and not other uterine emissions render the woman niddah,
it is important to consult a rabbi if any off-color hence questionable
emission is found.1
1. The impurity of a stain or actual blood found on a cloth depends on
its color: any reddish color is impure, whether it is very light or very
dark. Black is also considered impure.
2. Any emission of colors such as white or even beige like bee’s wax,
green, yellow, gold or blue are all pure. Even if the emissions are thick
and smooth like blood they are still considered pure.
3. Concerning the colors of emissions it is important to consult a rabbi
who has expertise in determining the status of colored emissions. This
applies whether it is to determine the status of a stain or a checking
for a Hefsek betahara, or for the seven clean days. At times the expert
rabbi will determine a stain pure because of its color, which the layman
would consider impure. In short, when in doubt about a color ask the
expert rabbi.
4. A brownish emission is considered impure if found on the checking
cloth for a Hefsek Betahara, or of a checking after feeling her uterus
open. However, for subsequent checks during the seven clean days or for
stains, brown is considered pure. The rabbi should be consulted whenever
a brownish colored emission or stain is found as it is often reddish but
might not be. Rabbinic advice should be sought until a person feels
comfortable with deciding the status of colors.
1. The laws of this chapter are adapted from Taharat Habayit Vol. 1 Chapter